Existing Equipment
& Test Bench
Covered Topics
PC, Leybold Didactic COM3LAB:70017 &70018
Oscilloscopes HAMEG-HM303-6
DC power supply AFX-9660S
Digital Multimeter(HAMEG-HM8012)
TTL -7400 -7402 – 7404 - 7486 -7408 -7406- 7416 – 7409 – 74193 -74194 – 7447 – 7483 – 7493 – 74151 – 74154 – 74181 – 74192 – 74367 – CD4541- CD4018 -7432 -7483A -7410 -7420 -Seven Segment Display;
PIC18F4550; DSA1307RTC; DAC MCP4922; Separate pins for SPI & I2C- MAX232 and DB9; Keypad 4x4; LCD 16x2;
Combinational Logic Circuits, Sequential Logic Circuits; Registers, Memory(SRAM, DRAM) and Programmable Logic devices, Register Transfers and Data paths, Sequencing and Control, Instruction set architecture, Central Processing Unit designs, Input-Output and Communications.
Arithmetic operations on microcontrollers, Timers: A/D, D/A, seven segment display, PWM and Capture/Compare modes, Interrupts, Asynchronous/Synchronous IO: USART, SPI, I2C.